Manzel Joseph Seet

Passionate in Infocomm & Electronics

Embedded Programming

I have dabbled with many 8-bit microcontrollers such as AVR, PIC18F and 8051.

Recently, I am also getting familiar with 32-bit microcontrollers such as the STM32 family.

These are my GitHub repositories where I've published my learning projects.



PIC18F PIC18F4520-Learning_Projects
8051 C8051F226-Learning_Projects
tinyAVR/megaAVR AVR-Learning_Projects
STM32F1 STM32F103C8T6-Learning_Projects
STM32L0 STM32L073VZT6-Learning_Projects

These are a few projects I would like to showcase

Font Generator for STM32xx-EVAL LCD Driver

A Python3 script to generate fonts for use with the STM32xx-EVAL LCD Driver. Custom charsets can be used including CJK fonts as shown in the screenshot

More to come soon!

View more of my microcontroller projects at @zst-embedded

Last updated in July 2018